Tuesday, December 28, 2004

December ....Kanti.... I laugh just of thinking it..... As much as I liked dramas, Oh my Buddha!!!! The best thing of everything is the so incredible friendship that we have left after that.

It is really a miracle...from Kaos We did this set up.... It was also fun. Milaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Be helper with Meera this Year It was big chalenge for me. Thank U Meera.

Money will come!!!!

Rick Show Driver or Kanti in the mirror?

Poluted Pune!!!

Shopping in Koreagon Park

We was planning a show, dancing like in a Bollywood Movie. We enjoy a lot dancing together... Sagar changes all my ideas about India´s girls... She teach me to dance, to cook and how to take care of friends.... Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaagar!!!!

Sweet Lassi and Samosa please!!!

Open Satsan with Dolano on 25th December.... It was great, I got on DVD if someone want to see...

Main Gate Osho International Resort at the last day of the year

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Its was the first thing I saw in the ashram.... Monkeys was playing In the entrance to Zorba the Buddha .

These photos are for my Mama, she is worry about where I live.

I am so happy with my house.

Its like a duplex...

Views form the kitchen to my garden

The entrance to my house...

Lo primero que veo cuando salgo por la puerta de la urbanizacion donde vivo que se llama "Out of Africa"

The first thing I see in the morning...

Photos inside the Ahsran are not allowed...

Patxi!!!! Que grande eres!!! Enlightenment!!!! Who Cares!!!

Carlitos seems like Osho.. isn't?

Kanti at home with Dave (the cat).

It's so silly photo but U know Dam, we are not the body ;-) Thank U to teach me.

Katia and Kati enjoying the moment.

Nirjana and Manjula living totally.

Friends at home. What it is really beautiful it see how everybody can become one heart. Doesn't matter where U came from. This is the amazing thing happen in Pune. In this party I remember some Iranian friends told me Its was the first time in them live they was meetting and enjoying with people form US or Israel. In this Photo for example... Someone from Iran, US, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Taiwan, Australia, England and of course SPAIN.

We have shared lots of moments together. We all did Primal Decondioting group.

On some Thursdays my friends come out, Nima and Mohsen (from Iran) play sufi music... the place erupts at the happy sound of the daft (Iranian Percusion)... These partys are the best ever .

Elephant and Mercedes in same road. This is Koreagon Park.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Despues de "Primal Deconditioning"

Bueno que sobrada, me meti a hacer PRIMAL DECONDITIONING, acabe hace dos dias... he estado una semana totalmente isolado, sin casi dormir, no podia hablar con nadie, ni tener ningun contacto con el exterior, te controlan hasta la comida.... es una terapia dura, se trata de aprender a identificar los condicionamientos que vienen de nuestra infancia, de nuestros padres y eso... todo para desbloquear las emociones que quedaron bloqueadas cuando eramos crios... porque eran demasiado para un nino... buah que pasote...utilizan todo tipo de herramientas desde Gestal a ...., bueno de todo... se hace la promesa de no contar que se hace por si algun dia lo haces tenga mas efecto sobre ti si no sabes lo que te espera....he estado escribiendo mucho estos dias sobre mi mismo para trabajar sobre ello, lo quiero pasar a limpio y quizas lo mande.

He estado realmente mal... ha salido mogollon de cosas y se ha movido mucha energia... ahora estoy con altivajos... tengo la sensacion que ha cambiado mi vida, ha sido un fuerte despertar o como lo quieras llamar...

He decidido dejar los rollos que tenia alli, alla y de golfear, esta siendo un poco dificil.... me cuesta horrores quedar mal... especialmente si es una tia y me gusta ;-)

Estoy jugando al tennis ahora todos los dias y llendo a la piscina... he descubierto que me va bien hacer deporte y que se me da bien, quien me lo iba a decir... voy a volver a pintar y me estan dando ganas de ponerme a viajar otra vez, me llama mucho Sur America.

A veces cuando explicaban algo de teoria me quedaba pensando en como podria ayudar a gente... es parte del roll que arrastro toda mi vida de "CARE TAKER" pero luego aprendi que todas las familias son disfuncionales y que en el fondo da lo mismo cada uno tenemos los nuestros y no son ni mejores ni peores... eramos un grupo de 20 y habia de todo, abandonos, padres maltratadores, alcoholicos, drogadictos, familias bien.... da igual de donde vengas... no somos libres, eso es todo, y liberarnos es algo que nos toca a hacer a cada uno de todas las maneras...

Yo me lo estoy currando mas que nunca y empiezo a ver frutos, me ha venido una energia alucinante y estoy recolocandome...

Prometo poco a poco ir respondiendo e-mails.

Lots of love,


Monday, November 08, 2004

If Buddha says it... / Si Buddha lo dice...

"Bad things don´t have any beginning, but they have an end. Good things have a beginning, but they don´t have an end"

"Las cosas malas no tienen principio pero siempre hay un final. Las cosas buenas tienen principio pero no tienen final"

Gautam Buddha

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Vuelta a empezar

Seguro que lo que dice Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, da igual... seguro que es verdad todo, no importa.

Podra ser verdad para ellos pero no para mi, porque la verdad es una experiencia individual, como el amor.

Millones de gente en este mundo han amado pero tu crees que su amor me ayuda? Que millones de gente hayan amado te quita la necesidad de amar? Crees que puedes saber algo del amor porque mucha gente haya amado?

Que no, que no, al menos que hayas realmente amado, no tienes ni puta idea.

Y eso es exactamente como me siento ahora, me pensaba que sabia pero que va, que voy a saber...

Eso si, sigo contento pero joder ...vuelta a empezar

Back to begin (English version)

Jesus may say it true, Krishna may say it is true, Buddha may say it is true… It does not matter.

It may be truth for them but not for me, because truth is an individual experience, just like love.

Millions of people in this world have loved. Do U think their love is in any way helpful to me? You need not love because so many people have loved? Do U think U will know something about love because millions of people have loved?

Unless U love, U will not know anything.

And that it is how I just feel now... I though I knew it... but not... I dont know ...

I'm still joyfully but Fuck!!!! back to begin.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I'm Back to India - Pune - Osho Ashram

Due to India and of course to the Osho Ashram a deep happiness that I no longer remembered has returned, lots of memories has returned as well, then the dance, the hugs, the silence has arrived even Osho´s talk was about Zorba the Buddha…

I feel totally graceful, I’m so drunk of love… Love, Love, Love everywhere.

It seems like my ego is gone for a while and I don't want to pass to my mind what it is going on... I just would like share this powerfull energy...

Zorba the Buddha

Vuelta a la India - Pune - Osho Ashram

Con mi vuelta al ashram ha vuelto una felicidad y una energia que ya no recordaba, han venido montones de recuerdos que parecian haberse quedado perdidos en arboles y rincones... han venido los abrazos interminables, el baile, el silencio y por si fuera poco en mi primer dia en la meditacion de la tarde la charla de Osho era sobre Zorba the Buddha.

Me siento la persona mas dichosa del mundo, vuelvo a sentirme totalmente borracho de amor... Love, Love, Love, love por todos los sitios.

Parece por momentos mi ego ido y no apete mucho llevar a mi mente lo que me esta pasando para poder contarlo, solo me apetecia compartir este subidon y el globo en el que vuelvo a estar.

Hoy si, Zorba The Buddha.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

From Ko Phi Phi to Mumbay

In approximately 3 hours I will take my flight to Mumbay, while I wait with everything ready I have upload the pictures of Ko Phi Phi, I have been 4 days waiting for my visa... I am tired after 13 hours of bus and boat but it has been worthwhile... It was great time... Maybe these months have been more Zorba the Greek that Buddha and now it´s time to compensate a little... Tomorrow at this time maybe I will be in Kundalini!!!! I can´t wait!!!!! SUUUUUGOI!!!!!

En aproximadamente 3 horas cojo mi vuelo a Mumbay, mientras espero con todo preparado he colgado las fotos de Ko Phi Phi, he estado 4 dias esperando por mi visa... Estoy cansadillo tras 13 horas entre autobus y barca pero ha merecido la pena... lo he pasado en grande... Quizas estos meses hayan sido mas Zorba el griego y toca compensar un poco... Para mañana a estas horas quizas este en Kundalini!!!! Que ganas tengo!!!!!

Ko Phi Phi...

Long Beach in Ko Phi Phi

I was so lucky to find this place. To me "Long Beach" in Ko Phi Phi the best place to stay in all the island. My bangaloo is just under the big palm tree.

Its suppose to be one of the most beatiful beach in the world. "The Beach" with Leonardo Di Caprio was filmed here.

Jumping in Maya Bay


I look happy but U can not imagine... Other day I was snorkeling with Nane and surprise not only small fish coming... One SHARPPPPP about 1 and half meter was swimming with us.... I am proud of U Nane you are a really brave german girl.

The snorkelling is superb... The water is so so clear even from the boat U can see...

May be its not casual the name of my boat was Paradise...

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

To see Indonesia's Photos September 2004

They are in inverse order. It begins on the bottom.

I have all the photos in High resolution if U want any, let me know and I will send U.

Para los hispanohablantes, mi ingles sigue siendo super pobre asi que se entiende bien aunque no sepas Ingles porque lo escribo casi como en el español, pero me enrollo menos y lo entiende todo el mundo, todo son ventajas.

Mourad´s + Sarah´s Trip to Asia

Mourad just told me He want also share his photos online. U must have a look. We had lots of fun together.


Besakih and the volcano

Besakih Temple. Bali

Kintamani. Bali

Offering to Shiva
3 muszkieterow ;-)

Julietta and Agnies but now in Ubud. Ummm!!!

My walks in bicycle around Ubud

Ubud Again. Children learning to dance.

Lovina. Bali. I didn´t like too much...the best my 2 Euro´s room just in the beach.

Lovina. Bali. I have seen many many sunsets but only one sunrise.